What is the purpose of the CLSPAC?
The purpose of the CLSPAC is to elevate awareness of the biomedical industry’s goals through increased education and participation in the political process in California. The CLSPAC aims to educate, inform and elect candidates to state office who will support and promote California’s biomedical industry. The CLSPAC allows the biomedical industry to support candidates for office that share our values and want to help our industry conduct business in California; develop, commercialize and market new medical products; and maintain a highly skilled workforce.
Why contribute to the CLSPAC?
The CLSPAC allows you and your company the opportunity to unite with other industry leaders to ensure that Sacramento policy makers hear your views. Elected officials in California have direct influence on how you and your company conduct business in the state and how your products are developed, regulated and marketed in California. By contributing to the CLSPAC, you can help ensure that key officials understand and appreciate the unique challenges facing medical innovators.
Who may contribute to the CLSPAC?
Any individual or company that has an interest in maintaining a business, legal and regulatory climate that supports and advances biomedical innovation in California may contribute to the CLSPAC.
How does the CLSPAC decide where to direct political contributions?
CLSPAC Board of Directors are involved in decisions on directing political contributions to state-level candidates. In addition, members of the CLSPAC meet with candidates and evaluate the candidates’ positions on key issues of concern to the biomedical industry. The CLSPAC may also contribute to those already in office who have demonstrated leadership in advancing biomedical innovation and patient access in California.
How much may I contribute to the CLSPAC?
Participation in the CLSPAC is voluntary and there is no minimum or maximum donation. A suggested contribution level for personal donation is 1 percent of salary and for corporate is 5 percent of membership dues. You may also choose one of the six levels. Annual contributors receive a wide array of benefits based on their contribution level including complimentary event attendance, recognition by the CLSPAC and educational materials.
How do I join the CLSPAC?
Join the CLSPAC now by completing our PAC participation form with a contribution. United we can support candidates who encourage medical innovation, advance product development, and promote the growth of the life sciences industry in California.
To mail a check, please make payable to CLSPAC and send to:
Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP
455 Capitol Mall, Suite 600
Sacramento, CA 95814