Welcome to Future of Biotechnology in Individualized Medicine, a continuation of Future of Genomic Medicine and Future of Individualized Medicine, established by Dr. Eric Topol in 2008 and directed by Dr. Ali Torkamani.
In 2024, Future of Biotechnology in Individualized Medicine will explore the ongoing evolution of genomics from a tool for diagnostic breakthroughs to a driver of revolutionary therapeutics. Emerging genomic technologies now drive drug target identification for personalized medicines, precision biomarkers for population stratification, and act as targeted therapeutics on their own. Attendees of the 2024 conference will again hear renowned leaders from across academia and industry speak on the most recent innovations and trends in genomic medicine.
Organized jointly by the Scripps Research Translational Institute, Actio BioSciences, and Advancing Precision Medicine, the conference will once again be hosted at the beach-side Scripps Seaside Forum and is designed to foster dynamic discussions and collaborations that help drive the field forward. Join us on May 14 – 15 in La Jolla, California.